Welcome to Sidewinder Firearms Training. I provide professional firearms training in the Bangs, Texas area. Whether it is to get your Texas LTC, learn how to survive a home invasion, or get trained for your occupation, I’m here for you. I am focused on providing high-quality training and customer satisfaction.

Sidewinder Firearms Training is your premier choice for personal protection classes and concealed weapon classes. I Don’t Just Get You Licensed, I Get You Trained To Survive !

I teach at least one Texas License to Carry Course a month in Bangs, Texas which are open to the public. In addition I also offer private Texas License to Carry classes. No class is too big or too small and I can travel any place in the Great State of Texas. I teach NRA pistol, rifle, shotgun, and muzzleloading classes as requested for individuals, groups, and summer camps. The size of the class does not matter teaching the proper handling and safe shooting of firearms is what matters.

About Instructor David Dulaney

✓ 40 years shooting experience
✓ Texas DPS Certified License to Carry Instructor
✓ NRA Certified Firearms Instructor – Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, and Muzzleloading
✓ NRA Certified Range Safety Officer
✓ Law Enforcement Background – Texas Advanced Peace Officer License
✓ Dedicated NRA Member and Recruiter

Texas Law Shield

tx-law-shield1Think owning a gun is all the protection you need? The fact is that innocent gun owners go to jail every day for exercising their right of self-defense. Don’t let it happen to you! Find out how to protect yourself after you’ve pulled the trigger by attending one of our seminars. Get the facts about gun laws, presented by our firearm program attorneys and law enforcement professionals.

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